Club Rules



1)     Payment of the annual registration fee is a contribution to the overall costs incurred by the club. These costs include but are not limited to the hire of pitches, the purchase of equipment, insurance payments, FA and league affiliations and referee’s fees. Should a player decide to leave the club following registration and request a refund this will be at the discretion of the club treasurer who will take into account reason for leaving, time elapsed since registration etc.

2)     All kit and equipment which includes the clubs badge is the property of Great Wakering Colts YFC, whether the funds were raised by external funding or sponsorship. This includes home and away kits, training kits, tracksuits, hoodies and/or coats.

3)     In the event of a team or player leaving the club, all said equipment must be returned before release will be issued. Likewise, no release will be issued if the player has any outstanding payments to make to the team or club.

4)     Any player wishing to register with a Great Wakering Colts YFC team does so on the understanding that this does not entitle them to a place in the team for any particular match or matches. All players must accept that they may be substituted during the course of the season, and team selections are made at the discretion of the manager.

5)     Great Wakering Colts has implemented, under the guidance of the Football Association, a Child Protection/Welfare Policy (Safeguarding). Anyone found to be in breach of these guidelines risks being expelled from the Club and any necessary action taken, including referral to the appropriate government agencies.

6)     Players, parents, guardians, friends and relatives are expected to behave in an appropriate manner when attending training sessions or matches (including tournaments). Violence, threats of violence, verbal abuse, bullying or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated. If this condition is contravened, Great Wakering Colts YFC reserves the right to impose a ban on individual.

7)     Should any Great Wakering Colts YFC player, parent, guardian, friend or relative threaten, intimidate or abuse a team manager or coach or any other official of the club or a League representative (including referees and assistants) at the discretion of the club, the player will be expelled.

8)     Great Wakering Colts YFC reserves the right to refuse to register any player due to reasonable concerns that the above conditions (6-8) are unlikely to be met during the forthcoming season.

9)     In the event of any dispute, the matter should first be discussed between the relevant parties. If no solution can be found, one or both parties should contact the club secretary, Chairman or Vice-Chairman and arrange for an arbitrary meeting to take place. In the event of a non-satisfactory conclusion, the complaint may be brought to the full committee.

10)   As a matter of courtesy, it is agreed that in the event of a player wishing to transfer to another team, the parents/carers MUST make their decision known to the relevant manager. Failure to do this could result in a period of suspension for the player in question – This decision will be at the discretion of the committee.

11)   Considering the previous condition, (10) it has been agreed within the club that no Manager will officially approach a player from another team in the same age group within the club without prior agreement of the potentially affected team manager.

12)   Any action taken on the above conditions is subject to appeal to the Great Wakering Colts YFC full committee.